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Where has this year gone!

I have'nt blogged for some time as a few personal things have cropped up however I am back in action - for now anyway. We have just got the keys for a new house so I shall be updating my page with house progress and will most likely spend my evenings trawling through pintrest.

We fly to Greece next Saturday - Ivy also turns 1! I cannot believe my little popsy doodles is going to be 1!. I still remember it like it was yesterday when me and kyle found out we were expecting. Little did we know the rollercoaster ride we would be in for. Nobody can ever prepare you for parenthood!.

So what with a house move pending, a holiday to pack for, trying to get back on my feet after being diagnosed with postnatal depression and just life in general its been a tough month or so.

I haven't been careful at all with what i've been eating and I have obviously put on some pounds however like I have said previously this is a long term thing and blips will happen its inevitable.

As for now I shall be uploading house progress and hopefully this will also distract me from eating absolute shite as and when I feel fit, it hasn't helped because I don't remember the last time I did a proper food shop - oooops!.

This last year has flown by, and I cannot wait to get moved, settled for a few days then jet off with my little family to Greece.

I have bought a new bikini and I will be strutting my thing walking down the beach because I have nothing to be ashamed of. No I'm not where I want to be however over the last 12 months I have housed a baby, had a gall bladder removal, recovered from pancreatitis, struggled with post natal depression, battled a house move an this weekend moving to another and made it to a year of being married - this is a milestone! haha. I do feel confident in a bikini, I remember a time where I wouldn't wear vest tops because I had "fatty bits on show" but right now I'm happy. I don't look at myself in the mirror and nearly throw up, I know I'm overweight, I know I need to loose some pounds but thats totally fine. But to feel comfortable in your own skin regardless of those scales is hard, and even people who reach there "ideal weight" struggle with loving the skin there in.

If there is something I have learnt in my nearly 25 years, its to have self love, love yourself. I personally feel this is the most important thing for your mental wellbeing. Everyone is on a journey in life. But if you can love yourself thats a massive hurdle overcome.

As for now - I'm going to get Mr E to make me a cuppa, I'm going to most likely have a few chunks of dairy milk daim as ive got some in the fridge with my name all over it!.

I will update this in due course as I'm going to be away for a few weeks!.

love love love mrs E x

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