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Weigh In

As I've been previously saying I have been struggling with loosing weight due to several issues however I had a nice surprise when I'd stepped on the scales and lost 3 pounds this week taking me to a total overall loss of 3 st 11lbs.

Im due to go to Greece in the next 4 weeks so if I can get another half stone off in this time id be over the moon!. I still have a long way to go, ideally id like to be about 13 st 5lbs however I'm currently sitting at 16st 2lbs. Ive just got to keep reassuring myself "you've got this its not a race its a long term thing and Rome wasn't built over night". Like most women I lack patience and everything has to be done yesterday.

I have added some photos below so you can see the difference to date.There is 11 months between these photos. 2 Major surgeries and a few relapses.

I won't ever have a washboard stomach and I am still recovering from both surgeries as I'm not even 12 months post c-section yet and I also had keyhole surgery to remove my gallbladder and free me from pancreatitis - this actually took me longer to recover from than my c-section. Ive noticed I am still quite puffy especially around my belly button area due to the laparoscopy.

Again as I say I have a long way to go to where I want to be and every day is a battle against what I should and shouldn't eat. I'm in this for the long haul and I've come so far from the 20 stone bloater in July 2016 to a massive 3 st 11lbs lighter.

I was worried about posting these but this blog was for my own benefit as much as anyone else and I have to be true to myself and the journey I am currently on and will always be on I would imagine.

If your easily offended by a fatty then my apologies!

Mrs E x

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