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Progress So Far...

So.. To say the last few weeks have been a struggle is very much an understatement.

We all know at the best of times how hard it is to diet but when your heads not in it nothing else will play ball either.

When I initially set out to loose weight my target was to get 4 stone off by July when we jet off on our first family holiday to Crete. I am SO looking forward to getting away with my little family, it'll be the first time me and Kyle have been abroad together and its Ivy's first time flying too.

Im hoping by posting this and looking at the comparisons below it'll give me the kick up the bum and motivation to try keep my head in the game and continue to work hard and loose those pounds.

After all this is a lifestyle change and it isn't going to happen over night, As the saying goes Rome was not built in a day. if only those tasty little treats weren't so calorific.

I started this overall weight loss journey at a whopping 19st 13. Currently I am weighing in at 16st 1. Still a fair amount of weight to loose but a long way from where I was.

A little reminder of why I'm doing this, mainly for myself, my little girl and my husband. After all what use would an unhealthy mummy/wife be to anyone?. I remember saying to myself "you do not want to be that fat mum in the playground who can barely play with her children without getting out of breath".

Ive been working on my fitness, now I'm no fitness guru by any means but I am enjoying getting back into training, I have also tried running. Now, I NEVER thought I would ever be able to run. I think it was more the motivating myself to run, getting my trainers on and then heading out on my own. That for me was the most daunting thing. In my personal experience being a "bigger girl" I was worried people would look at me and laugh, now my attitude is middle finger up to you pal I'm doing something about the way I look, nothing will change your shallow personality.

There are so many health benefits to loosing weight. I have combatted type 2 diabetes, my overall confidence is increasing and I think the most important thing to me is I can run around after my little girl without getting puffed out, I can take her down the side without my ass getting stuck. Its those non scale victories I need to remind myself about when I head to eating a fairy cake at my mums (my nan is a feeder and continues to make yummy food which sometimes does slip into my mouth without me realising).

I have had 1 off plan day this week, 1 lunch out and 1 not so good day so far and its only Sunday, so this evening I vouch to myself I am going to go for a run, and I am going to have a good day of eating, this was started off by a bowl of granola, strawberry and natural yoghurt and a cuppa, courtesy of Mr Eskimo.

So heres to healthy thoughts, healthy minds, and hopefully one day the body of a temple - LOL.

Mrs Eskimo x

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